What Are the Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects movement, coordination, and development. It is caused by damage to the developing brain, and can affect the entire body or be limited to one or two limbs or one side of the body. Common symptoms of cerebral palsy include problems with mobility, coordination, fine motor skills, and more. Hypotonic cerebral palsy involves damage to the cerebellum and is characterized by loose and loose muscles.

It can be difficult to evaluate and diagnose these neurological cerebral palsy conditions at an early age, especially if a child can't speak. This type of cerebral palsy can cause movement disorders, such as quadriplegia, diplegia, and hemiplegia. The physical and cognitive signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy vary widely depending on the parts of the brain affected, the severity of the injury, and the age of the infant or child in which they first appear. These may include difficulty with movement, coordination, and balance; an imbalance in eye muscles; difficulty swallowing; and problems with development.

If you think your child may have any neurological symptoms associated with cerebral palsy, it is important to contact your doctor or a cerebral palsy specialist for a formal diagnosis. To ensure an accurate diagnosis, our pediatric geneticists and neurologists can perform a comprehensive genetic evaluation using advanced techniques that can identify a condition and help guide treatment. Cerebral Palsy Guide was founded with the goal of educating families about cerebral palsy, raising awareness and providing support to children, parents and caregivers affected by the condition.