Helping Someone with Cerebral Palsy: Resources for Caregivers

Caring for someone with cerebral palsy can be a challenging task. It is important to understand the condition and the various ways to help a person with cerebral palsy stay active and improve their quality of life. This article provides an overview of the benefits available to families of children with cerebral palsy, as well as tips on muscle training, exercises, daily care, and more. Although cerebral palsy can make it difficult to move, it is important for people with this condition to stay active and improve their mobility and muscle tone. Muscle training and exercises can help strengthen strength, flexibility, balance, motor development, and mobility.

Your therapist can provide guidance on how you can continue muscle training and exercising at home between therapy visits. It is also critical for parents to ask for help when they feel overwhelmed and have too much to do. There are many resources available to help families of children with different cerebral palsy needs. Watch this video for an overview of the benefits available to you. After diagnosing cerebral palsy, the doctor can use a rating scale, such as the Gross Motor Function Rating System, to determine the function and severity of mobility, posture, and balance. Medications that can reduce muscle tension can be used to improve functional abilities, treat pain, and control complications related to spasticity or other symptoms of cerebral palsy. Books on cerebral palsy can provide you with information to better understand your child's diagnosis.

Feeding a child with cerebral palsy can be difficult because they may have poor motor skills and gastrointestinal problems. A child with cerebral palsy won't be able to do all the things their siblings or peers can do, but they shouldn't be upset about it or focus on their limits. Keep up to date on new treatments and ways to improve your child's life while living with cerebral palsy. Although it isn't a genetic condition, research shows that some hereditary factors can put a person at risk of developing it. The type of cerebral palsy is determined by the main movement disorder experienced, but several movement disorders can occur together.